As Utah's best and most legitimate Dominatrix the question I am asked the most is:
What's popular in Utah?
The answer probably has something to do with the Mormon church, haha!
The most popular fetishes in Utah are age play and cross dressing. Now this is just My humble opinion, not scientific study, but I believe the cross dressing kink that over flows in Salt Lake City is due to the pressure of male stigma from the church. I mean Mormon missionaries do have a high homosexuality rate as well.
I think age play ties into the pressure of the Mormon church in this states society as well. I have met countless if adults who come from a background of being forced to grow up too quickly. Mormons pop out babies every chance they get - sex isn't for pleasure after all, it's for procreation only - so often kids become the caretaker of younger siblings when they themselves are still children.
What's the second most asked question? Probably one of the most idiotic and unoriginal.
For some reason people in Utah, or even those who find out I live here, have an annoying curiosity wondering if I am Mormon. I have no idea why anyone would purposely seek out a Mormon Domme, but it's an absolutely stupid thing that exists here. I have even seen other girls market themselves that way and it's painfully obvious.... that is ALL you have to offer? THAT is your strongest quality? HA!! Grow up and get a personality.
